5 Reasons Why You Should Include Flaxseeds In Your Diet

5 Reasons Why You Should Include Flaxseeds In Your Diet

Flaxseeds have numerous positive effects on our health, so incorporating them into your diet on a daily basis is advisable. Add them to your morning cereal, sprinkle them on salads, or include them in your smoothie. It is recommended to consume one teaspoon of flaxseeds every day.

  1. Beautiful Skin, Glossy Hair: Flaxseeds contain a genuine cocktail of healthy fats, especially a high amount of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential omega-3 fatty acid. They also contain B vitamins and minerals. These substances maintain the beauty of hair and skin, acting as anti-inflammatory agents, reducing acne, irritation, and redness.

  2. Reduces the Risk of Cancer: Flaxseeds contain a high level of lignans, plant compounds with antioxidant properties. Lignans can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, especially breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer.

  3. Supports Digestion: Flaxseeds contain a high level of water-soluble fibers that can aid digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Proper digestion is crucial for overall health and well-being.

  4. Cholesterol Level Regulation: Flaxseeds can help lower levels of bad cholesterol and are crucial for maintaining energy balance. Flaxseeds are rich in water-soluble fibers that help trap fat and cholesterol. The seeds also capture bile, which then travels through the digestive system and prompts the body to lower cholesterol in the blood.

  5. Positive Impact on Women's Hormones: Flaxseeds also contain phytoestrogens, considered natural estrogens. They influence the hormone balance in the body and can help regulate the female menstrual cycle.

Whole or Ground Flaxseeds?

The choice between whole and ground flaxseeds involves several factors worth considering:

  1. Digestibility: Ground flaxseeds are more easily digestible as nutrients from them are better absorbed. If you consume whole seeds, they may pass partially undigested through the digestive system.

  2. Nutritional Value: Both forms have a similar nutritional value, but the ground form is often more convenient, as it is easier to incorporate into various dishes.

  3. Oxidation: Ground flaxseeds oxidize more quickly, meaning they can spoil and lose some nutritional value faster. Whole seeds are more stable, but it's important to be aware that they should be ground or chewed before consumption for easier absorption.

  4. Freshness: If you purchase whole flaxseeds, they can be stored for a longer time, while ground seeds lose freshness more rapidly. It's recommended to store ground seeds in the refrigerator.

  5. Preparation: Whole seeds can be included in baked goods or sprinkled on salads. Ground seeds are more suitable for smoothies, yogurt, or baking.

In the end, the decision depends on your preferences, needs, and expectations. If you aim to maximize nutritional value, grinding flaxseeds just before consumption might be the better option.

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