What Do Celebrities Have for Breakfast?

What Do Celebrities Have for Breakfast?

We often envy the beautiful figures of celebrities, but we often forget that they work hard for it from morning till night, starting with their breakfast. Are you curious about the food they use to kickstart their busy days?

Julia Roberts maintains her radiant look by starting her day with a healthy breakfast. She has chosen a breakfast consisting of oatmeal with eggs and avocado, providing her with energy for the entire day.

Jennifer Aniston, the proud owner of one of the most well-maintained bodies among celebrities, is a fan of protein-rich diets. It's no wonder that her breakfast is quite rich: egg whites with a chicken omelet and slices of avocado, topped with grated Parmesan.

Fergie is one of those women who like to eat a lot without it showing on her figure. They dislike going hungry, so they pay a lot of attention to their diet. She begins her day with a special mix of bread, tomato slices, and low-fat cottage cheese.

Oscar winner Hillary Swank has chosen Greek yogurt rich in probiotics for breakfast, to which she adds organic strawberries and chopped raw almonds.

Jennifer Lopez leaves nothing to chance, not even her breakfast. Because she needs a lot of energy, she decided that a protein shake made from organic ingredients is the most suitable way to start her day, based on the advice of her nutrition expert.

Justin Timberlake enjoys two breakfasts. The first one includes waffles with flax seeds and almond spread, along with eggs. After that, he hits the gym. After his workout, he indulges in eggs or a protein shake.

If we judge by celebrity diets, it seems that eggs are a must for breakfast in Hollywood.

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