Fruit-Grain Bar

30 Mins | Healthy fats and vitamins

Fruit-Grain Bar

30 Mins | Healthy fats and vitamins


  • A handful of chopped hazelnuts

  • A handful of chopped almonds

  • A handful of chopped walnuts

  • 1-2 handfuls of oat flakes

  • A handful of chopped dried fruit

  • 50g chopped dark chocolate

  • 4 tablespoons of agave syrup

  • 4 tablespoons of softened butter

For coating (optional):

  • 150g white chocolate chips


  1. Chop hazelnuts, walnuts, and almonds with a knife to get different sizes.

  2. Add all other ingredients. Cut butter into slices. Mix well with your hands to evenly distribute the butter.

  3. Spread the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The height of the fruit-grain mixture should be approximately 1 to 1.5 centimeters.

  4. Bake the fruit-grain mixture for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

  5. When you take the mega fruit-grain bar out of the oven, it will still be soft. Immediately use a knife or another object to push the grains together into a rectangle and let it cool (for about two hours).

  6. Once the bar has cooled and become less soft, cut it into bars. Let them cool again.

  7. If you wish, you can coat the bars with melted white chocolate. Let the chocolate harden.

Enjoy these tasty and nutritious fruit-grain bars!

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