Kitchen Hacks You Won't Want to Live Without

Kitchen Hacks You Won't Want to Live Without

We've gathered some truly great cooking hacks to make your life easier. Check them out!

How to prevent pasta from sticking?

The most important thing is to use a pot large enough to cook the pasta and ensure there is enough salted water to cover it. When the water boils and you add the pasta, also add a teaspoon of oil and stir. Stir the pasta occasionally while cooking. Drain when cooked, but do not rinse under water.

How to cut onions without tears?

The thinner and sharper the knife, the less you'll cry. A dull knife releases more onion juice into the air, which irritates your eyes. To explain a bit more technically: when cutting onions, onion cells are damaged and enzymes mix with sulfides. Chemical reactions occur between them, breaking down into volatile gas. This gas spreads through the air and reaches your eyes.

Chefs also advise putting the onion in the freezer for a few minutes before cutting and cooling it down. Sunglasses also help. Some swear that their eyes don't tear up when they have a bite of bread in their mouths while cutting.

If your eyes still tear up, rinse them under running water.

How to keep herbs fresh for as long as possible? 

It's quite simple - treat them like cut flowers! Place parsley, chives, mint, basil, or any herbs you use in a jar of water. Cover them with a plastic bag and place them in the fridge. This way, the herbs will stay fresh for a longer period.

How to determine if eggs are fresh? 

Eggs can last for several days in the fridge. Therefore, we may forget when we bought or received them. If there is no date on the box, we can write it ourselves when purchasing. However, if we forget to write the date, we can do a different test: Pour water into a bowl. Fresh eggs are heavier, so they will sink to the bottom of the bowl, less fresh ones will sink but stand upright. Those that are no longer usable will float on the surface.

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