Quinoa with Leeks and Carrots

⏲️20 Mins | 3 Ingredients | Easy

Quinoa with Leeks and Carrots

This dish is so good, that you'll want to add it to your busy schedule time and time again. Whether enjoyed for lunch or dinner, it's effortlessly simple, comprised of basic ingredients. Just give it a try, you won't regret it!

Servings: 2

Prep Time: 10 Mins

Cook Time: 20 Mins

Reasons to enjoy this delicious dish:

  1. Nutrient-rich Quinoa: Quinoa is a powerhouse of nutrients, packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it an excellent addition to your diet for overall health and wellbeing.

  2. Vibrant Vegetables: This dish features fresh and vibrant vegetables like leeks and carrots, providing essential vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber for a nourishing meal.

  3. Versatile Protein Options: Whether you choose to add chicken or keep it vegan, this dish offers versatility to suit different dietary preferences while still providing a satisfying protein source.

  4. Simple and Flavorful: With just a few ingredients, this recipe is easy to prepare yet bursting with flavor. The combination of savory leeks, sweet carrots, and nutty quinoa creates a delicious and satisfying dish.


  • 1 cup quinoa

  • 2 cups water

  • 200g chicken breast (optional)

  • 1 large leek, sliced into rings

  • 1 large carrot, thinly sliced

  • Salt to taste

  • Olive oil or oil of your choice for frying


  1. Cook quinoa in water according to package instructions.

  2. Heat oil in a skillet. Add chicken breast and cook until fully cooked (if using).

  3. Add sliced leek and carrot to the skillet and cook until vegetables are tender.

  4. Stir in cooked quinoa and mix well.

  5. Season with salt to taste.

  6. Serve hot.

Enjoy your meal!

Bon Appétit!

Hello Quick Meals